Saturday, February 26, 2005


For the longest time, my impression of Jr. High boys is that they were sweaty, smelly, immature, ignorant, and that they never wore deodorant. In fact, I used to be the mean high schooler that would make fun of this demographic of students. Therefore, never in a million years would I have thought that I would lead a small group of these guys . . . much less be friends with them. However, I was proven wrong in so many ways.
Though they occasionally do forget to put on the deodorant, I have grown to love working with these guys so much. About three years ago, I joined Jr. High Staff at East Valley Bible Church and I believe that these guys have helped me grow more in love with Jesus than a great number of other things; though I am supposed to be the “leader” of the group, I think these guys teach me more than I teach them.
Of course there have been times that I have felt like throwing in the towel, but I am so glad that God has enabled me to stay in this ministry for this time in my life. Each guy that is in my group is special and unique. Some are quiet, some loud, others obnoxious, others on fire for God, others still looking for the answers, but all of them are treasures. I am so blessed by each one of them, and their families.

Through the course of my time on staff, my theme verse has been to say with Paul, “follow me as I follow Christ.” Wow, this is so much easier said than done. Though I try to live my life for Christ in all that I do, having 21 sets of eyes and ears watching me is huge accountability, and a reminder of where I fall short.
These guys ask the best questions, pray the hardest, live with passion, worship with zeal, share with boldness, and confess sin with humility. Of course they are not perfect. . . WOAH. . . they are NOT perfect. . . But I love them all so much anyway.
I am reminded of why the body of Christ needs each other. Though I am still on the younger side of the age scale, hanging with these guys makes me even younger, and they make me desire to have the same kind of passion that they have. Whether they are playing a game of Halo 2, talking back with their parents, skateboarding, or serving the Lord, they are passionate. And, to see a young heart follow after the Lord is one of the greatest blessings and motivators in the entire world.
Just today I had one of my guys call me and tell me what he needed prayer for, and in another conversation today, one of my guys told me what an impact this group has made on his life. Wow, it just gives me chills to be able to be “useful to the master” in this area of service. I don’t know why God allows this frail vessel to be used, but I will just keep saying, “here am I send me,” and we’ll see what happens.
So, to all the guys in my group, to the guys that have been in my group, to the high school leaders that are leading the guys I once had, and to the leaders that have discipled me, thank you so much. You have all made such an impact on my love for the Lord, and I look forward to seeing how God will use each one of you in the future.

Tuesday, February 22, 2005


Well I just wanted to write a quick update as to my opportunities to build relationships with my two international friends Ramon and Rudolfo. Yesterday we all went out to dinner again, and I had a chance to just be salt and light. Though I did not share the gospel, I have just been thoroughly enjoying hanging out with people that I don't usually have the pleasure of hanging with. We went out to a small burger joint over by ASU, and through the course of the conversation I posed the question, "what is one thing you guys want to do before you die." Our overall concensus was that we need to live each day as though it were our last, because we could die at any moment. As I just hang with these guys, I am astounded at how much we have in common, yet I know that my ultimate purpose in life is different. I live for the glory of God instead of my own happiness. Naturally, the soul that finds its rest in God is a happy soul, but this joy or happiness only comes when we are at peace with God. We can not simply aspire to have the peace of God, we need to be at peace with God. The difference is a positional relationship with God, and since I now have his standing of justification before God, God now calls me "friend."
More than anything, I desire to share this relationship with these guys. Though they know I am a believer, I don't think that I have effectively shared the gospel with them. Here is a great quote my friend Jon Roberts reminded me of a few weeks ago,
"People can't be saved by seeing a changed life, but by hearing the gospel. Your friends shouldn't just know where you stand, they should have heard the gospel from you!!"
This quote goes right in line with Ro. 1:16 where Paul affirms that it is the gospel that is the power of salvation to all who believe.
"Lord, make me know the balance of building relationships and knowing when to actually share the gospel. I know in my head that the gospel is what a dying world needs the most, but in my heart and my actions, I show a life that thinks they need a friend more than the gospel. Lord give me an opportunity to share the words of life with Ramon and Rudolfo. Thank you for their friendship, and now please give me boldness as the semester progresses and we continue to hang out. You have sovereignly put them in my life for a reason. If it is simply for them to see an example of a genuine believer, than thank you for the opportunity. However, if you desire me to share the gospel with them, please allow me the chance. I pray that your will would be done in my life, and that I would not scared to share your name. I love you dear Jesus, but cause this love to be manifest in word and deed, not just in word. All for your glory, Amen."

Friday, February 18, 2005


In the last two weeks, I have had the privilege of attending two weddings. Now I’m not the kind of guy that cries very easily, but there is something about weddings that just gets me all sappy. Though I don’t cry a river, I do get somewhat teary eyed, because I am just so overwhelmed with joy. Anyway, these two weddings were very different. One of the weddings was to two non-believers, and the second was to two amazing Christian examples: Mike and Lauren Griffith. More than the weddings themselves, I became so extremely grateful for the joy and peace that is found in Christ alone as I saw the extreme differences of these two occasions. I became aware of how blessed I am to go to a church that holds to the Word of God with such boldness, and a church that recognizes that marriage is gift from God to glorify God.

Mike and Lauren’s Wedding
1. The Word of God was the Authority on marriage
2. Christ was the center of the relationship
3. There was a recognition that Joy and Happiness comes only through a relationship with God
4. This was their first marriage and their dating relationship was an act of worship.
5. Many of their friends were believers and held them to a standard of holiness

Non-Christian Wedding
1. No scripture was even mentioned
2. “Happiness” was the center of the relationship
3. There was a recognition that happiness comes from each other and the relationship
4. This was the their third marriage
5. Many of the people present were good friends that cared for their happiness

These are only a few of the differences between the weddings, but I am now convinced that I when I get married, I want it to glorify God as did Mike and Lauren’s wedding.

In the mean time however, I thank the Lord so much for the current (but not permanent!!) gift of singleness. This semester has been one of extreme joy and passion for the Lord, as I have been using much of my time in “undistracted devotion to the Lord.”

The passage below shows the purpose of singleness, and I pray that God would truly allow me be extremely purposeful through my singleness.

I Corinthians 7: 32-35
“32 But I want you to be free from concern. One who is unmarried is concerned about the things of the Lord, how he may please the Lord; 33 but one who is married is concerned about the things of the world, how he may please his wife, 34 and his interests are divided. The woman who is unmarried, and the virgin, is concerned about the things of the Lord, that she may be holy both in body and spirit; but one who is married is concerned about the things of the world, how she may please her husband. 35 This I say for your own benefit; not to put a restraint upon you, but to promote what is appropriate and to secure undistracted devotion to the Lord.”

I am so thankful for where God has me in life right now, and I was just telling someone the other day that these days right now are the best days of my life. Sure, I’ll be saying that until I die, but I really think that we should be content wherever God has us in life. However, I even say these things right now, as a reminder to myself, since I am so prone to take up the “I’ll be happy when" syndrome. Personally, I think sometimes that I’ll be happy when I get married, I get the perfect job, I buy my first house, I have my first kiss, I graduate this May from ASU, and the list goes on and on. However, I know that I will never be content unless I am content in God alone. That is why I strive in this season of my life to be so exuberantly excited and passionate for where God has me; I desire that I would truly be concerned about the things of the Lord, pleasing Him, and securing undistracted devotion to Him.

As I wait upon God’s timing for that special someone, I was just reminded by a great friend and fellow Training Center student that God provides all that we need. As a married guy, Danny Carrizosa wanted to remind me that though marriage is great, singleness is a gift. Danny emailed me an excerpt from Elisabeth Elliot that is very worth while for any single guy or girl to read.

Excerpts from Elisabeth Elliot...

Straight for the Goal - pg. 48
"Jim had gained for himself this reputation because of his determination to eliminate the nonessentials from his schedule. Dating he regarded as one thing he might well do without. Furthermore, during those early months of his junior year God had spoken to him through the word of Matthew 19:12, "There are eunuchs who have made themselves eunuchs for the sake of the kingdom of heaven. He who is able to receive this let him receive it." No ascetic, Jim enjoyed to the full all that he believed God had given him to enjoy, but he felt it wisest to exclude from the sphere of activity anything which had the power to distract him from the pursuit of the Will. The precepts of 1 Corinthians 7 were inescapable to him, and it was not without reason that the Trainer of Souls set these lessons before him at this particular time. Whether God were actually giving him what he called the 'gift of single life' (an expression that Jim took from 1 Corinthians 7:7): 'each has his own special gift from God' - he did not yet know; neither did he try to rationalize himself out of that possibility. He believed Christ to be utterly sufficient for the entire fulfillment for the personality, and was ready to trust Him literally for this. In studying the separation of the Levites in Deuteronomy 9 and 10, and of their having 'no inheritance,' he wrote, 'Lord, if Thou wilt but allow me to take this set-apart place, by Thy grace, I shall covet no inheritance. NOTHING BUT CHRIST.'

Straight for the Goal - pg. 50
When, months later, he told me that his interest in me had begun before Christmas vacation, I was surprised. I learned that his personal feelings had been held in check by a principle of which he once wrote to his parents: 'No one warns young people to follow Adam's example. He waited till God saw his need. Then God made Adam sleep, prepared for his mate, and brought her to him. We need more of this 'being asleep' in the will of God. Then we can receive what He brings us in His own time, if at all. Instead we are set as bloodhounds after a partner, considering everyone we see until our minds are so concerned with the sex problem that we can talk of nothing else when bull-session time comes around. It is true that a fellow cannot ignore women - but he can think of them as he ought - as sisters, not as sparring partners!'

Monday, February 14, 2005


One of my good friends J.J. Brenner just wrote a blog entry about being unashamed for the gospel. He used Ro. 1:16 to explain his point.

16 For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes, to the Jew first and also to the Greek.”

He then went on to say that we should be unashamed for the gospel . . . through the use of some great analogies, he explained the importance of being unashamed. In his final statement, he wanted to have people post some ideas of what being unashamed practically looks like. So, here are only a few that I came up with. Please add to the list by posting comments or emailing me so I can post them for you.

Practical ways of being unashamed for the gospel:

1. Keep sin far from me (Pr 4:23). When we live in darkness, we desire to stay away from the light. For darkness hates the light (Jn 20:20-21) “For everyone who does evil hates the Light, and does not come to the Light for fear that his deeds will be exposed. 21 “But he who practices the truth comes to the Light, so that his deeds may be manifested as having been wrought in God.” I have recognized that when I am living in sin, I don’t desire to share Christ. However, when I am walking by the Spirit and living in the light, I desire to share the light of Christ.

2.Be sensitive to the Spirit (Acts 8:29). There are so many times that the Spirit prompts me to share with someone, and I neglect this opportunity because I don’t want to go out of my comfort zone. I don’t want to be rejected. I am not sensitive to the Spirit. However, when I am sensitive to the Spirit, He gives me the words to say to glorify the name of Christ.

3. Don’t fear rejection (II Tim. 3:12 and John ) II Tim. 3:12 “12 Indeed, all who desire to live godly in Christ Jesus will be persecuted.” John 15:18-19, “18 “If the world hates you, you know that it has hated Me before it hated you. 19 “If you were of the world, the world would love its own; but because you are not of the world, but I chose you out of the world, because of this the world hates you.”

4. Live a good life among the pagans (I Peter 2:12).

5. Be eager to preach the gospel (Romans 1:15). Paul was eager to preach the gospel, and that is one of the reasons he had so many opportunities to share. When I pray that God would give me opportunities, he answers my prayers. But there are so many times that I am not eager to share my faith, so I don’t. (Eph. 5:16).

6. Don’t just do what is comfortable (Acts 4:3).

7. Understand the gospel is people’s greatest need (Acts 4:12).

8. Love like Christ (Matthew 9:10-13). Don’t be afraid of hanging with the tax collectors and sinners. Don’t hide under the skirts of being “above reproach.” Christ was persecuted by “religious” people because he showed love to people. Are we better than Christ? If not, then we should love and build relationships with sinful people. This doesn’t mean that we should do this as a means to sin, but as a means to show the love of Christ. I am very grateful to Tyler Johnson for addressing my own insufficiencies in this area, and I am now in the process of sanctification through this area.

9. Be passionate about God (Acts 4:13). No one will be interested in our God, if we don’t see him as the very reason for our own existence. Our passion for Christ should be unbridled. As I was horseback riding last week with Joe Slater, I was extremely happy that I had a bridle on the horse (Doc), cause if I didn’t, Doc, inertia, velocity, and gravity would all have worked against me. I would have ended up in more pain than was necessary . . . besides, it hurt enough as it was. However when we as Christians are unbridled in our passion for Christ, the world can only hold on to the saddle horn. They are left speechless by our God, and they will desire to have the same purpose and passion we have. There is something about passion that makes people respond. (Secular example: William Wallace / Braveheart).

10. Burn for Christ. People love to see something burn. A couple of years ago, my jr high small group and I did an experiment. We looked up to the sky in awe, wonder, and amazement. Why did we do this funny thing? Well, we wanted to see just how many passers by would try to see what we were so intently looking at. Was it a space ship, alien, or plane? NO, we just wanted to prove a point that when we are excited about something, others will be also. . . Indeed, people asked what we were looking at . . . hypothesis correct. Everyone wants to see someone burn for a cause. I want my cause to be Christ, and I want to say with Paul, that I count all else as rubbish except for the surpassing joy of knowing Christ.

11. Get plenty of sleep. This for me is one of the most practical ways to be ready to share the gospel. For me, I have a tendency to stay up really late only to make up for that sleep in some of my school classes. How stupid is that? By my lack of sleep, I am literally dropping my attentive eyes from the opportunity to share the gospel or meet people’s needs.

12. Be prepared to share what you did over the weekend (I Peter 3:15). This idea was actually stolen from Julie Kellso who I just ran into at ASU. She just finished having lunch with 2 non-Christian girls from her class because she told them about her weekend and how God has been using her at East Valley Bible Church in Tempe. She invited one girl to church as a result of their conversation and lunch together. For Christ’s sake, I want to be normal in my response, but I don’t want to shy away from a chance to share about my life for Christ, and that I had an amazing time worshipping God at church. He truly should be the reason we live, and it’s not just Sunday but 24-7.

There are so many more practical ways to be unashamed for the gospel, so I would love to hear from anyone about ways that are practical for yourself in sharing the gospel and not being ashamed. If you don’t know how to post a comment, email me at (, and I’ll post it for you.

"If you know enough to be a Christian, you know enough to share your faith." -Tom Schrader-

Wednesday, February 09, 2005


Well in a previous blog, "International Opportunities," I had mentioned that God allowed me to invite two international Spanish students out the following week to IN-N-OUT burger. I now just praise his name that he allowed me an opportunity to show the love of Christ to these great guys by actually going out this last Monday. Rodolfo is from Mexico City, Ramon is from Honduras, and I am really glad for their friendship. Neither of them have a car, so we took the flash bus out to my tight ride in Lot 59 and then we drove over to get some tasty burgers. From previous conversations, I found that Ramon professes to be a Christian, but I didn't have a clue where Rodolfo was at. Through the converation I told them that I really enjoy swing dancing, but I have been told that in Mexico, it isn't really socially acceptable for a Christian to dance because of the negative connotations. This conversation led to a great understanding of where Rodolfo was at as a Catholic. It seems like he is more of a social Catholic, but his roots are very strong.
We had some great chances to talk, eat (Rodolfo thoroughly enjoyed his first IN-N-OUT experience), and just have fun hanging out. Both guys are great and I found myself laughing frequently. One very humorous conversation for me was when they shared about the exquisite wines, beer, and drinks that they both enjoy occasionally. I am so glad that God is bringing some non-believing friends in my life. For me, it is so easy to just enjoy the frienship of Christians, and forake to really reach out to those that are a little different than me. This is a huge answer to prayer, and I look forward to many more answers like this one.
By the end of the night, they were both extremely grateful that I would take them out, and we're planning on dinner again next Monday night after class at a restaurant by ASU.

"Dear Lord, Thank you so much for the blessing of friendship, and the chance as well to be salt and light to this culture. I pray that you would open the eyes of Rodolfo to see you for who you are and please relinquish the strongholds of his Catholic heritage. Also, if Ramon is truly your child, please strengthen him in his walk with you. I love you so much . . . but help me to love you more and more."

Gene The Hitchhiker

Last Friday as I was driving home from some errands, I believe the Lord was testing me on whether or not I was really going to love by word AND DEED, or simply by word. I was driving south on Arizona Ave. just a mile north of my house, when all of the sudden my eye catches the thumb of a random hitchhiker on the S.W. corner of Arizona/Germann. What was I to do? A thousand thoughts must have run through my head:

Is it safe? Will I be able to share the gospel with this guy? Will he pull out an axe and start chopping me up, and then steal my car? Will he be intoxicated? How far will he want to go? Will he ask for money?

I really didn't have much time to think and before I knew it, I was asking the guy where he wanted to go. He only needed to go about 2 miles past my house, so I said I would be happy to drive him there. I asked him his name, and then proceeded to dialogue about his day, his home, his work, his family, and then. . . WOO HOO. . . the gospel.

Having found out that Gene was was born in 1953, lived in Ohio, had 2 bros and two sisters, his mom died 2 years ago, he moved out to Az. a few years ago to live with his older brother, his birthday was the week before, and other misc details, I then proceeded to ask him some even more important questions. I asked him if there were any churches where he lived on the reservation, and he mentioned the Catholic, Christian, and one other church. So, I asked Gene what he believed. He responed by saying: "I consider myself a non-den. . den. . . den. . . just a plain Christian. You know Christian is Christian." By the slight smell of alcohal, and the formulaic response, I was not sensing that this guy was actually born-again. So, I asked him what it meant to be a Christian. He responed with a "you have to believe that Jesus is your savior." Not wanting him to just feel interrogated, I proceeded to ask him more about his life, and by some of his responses, I am pretty sure that he has heard the gospel before.

Having gotten through this whole conversation in a matter of 5 minutes, his stop quickly approached. In my heart, I prayed that God would use this opportunity to be another seed that causes Gene to turn to Jesus Christ and not only recognize that Jesus needs to be Savior, but Christ needs to be Lord!! I stopped the car and right before he opened the door to get out he said, "I think God is trying to get my attention." "Why is that?" I asked. Gene said, "well, you stopping, and then something else that happened to me in the last week as well." I let him know that I completely agreed with him. I told him that God sovereignly had me drive on Arizona that Friday afternoon so that I would pick him up.

In reflection on this event, I was just so exceedingly thankful that God allowed me to have such an opportunity to show the love of Christ, and remind Gene that Christ indeed needs to be his savior. However, I have also been asked the question by one who loves me very much as to whether this was wreckless or dangerous evangelism. I don't think that I really feared that by me picking up this hitchhiker I would die, I'm really not anxious for that. But, I simply saw this as an opportunity to truly live. Indeed, by sharing with Gene, I felt so alive. Besides, I believe in the sovereignty of God, and until my time comes, not one hair will fall from my head without His approval.

Mark 8:34-38
“If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me. 35 For whoever would save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake and the gospel’s will save it. 36 For what does it profit a man to gain the whole world and forfeit his life? 37 For what can a man give in return for his life? 38 For whoever is ashamed of me and of my words in this adulterous and sinful generation, of him will the Son of Man also be ashamed when he comes in the glory of his Father with the holy angels.”

Friday, February 04, 2005


I promise that this is my last volume for the date of 2-3-05, but this story was just so exciting that I couldn't help but sharing. As I was sitting in one of my Management classes, we had to break off into teams to discuss the hiring practices of employees from one of our own companies that we work for. Jarrod, the guy just to the right of me actually interns for a church, and is currently on the committee to hire a new pastor for their church of 2300 here in the valley. So, sensing an opportunity for conversation about God, I said, that sounds like a great "company" to analyze. As he was going over some of the essential characteristics of hiring such an employee as a head pastor, things were brought up like being a male (fortunately, I had just read a great article written by Casey Ryan as to why being a male is mandatory as a pastor or elder ( -egalitarian article), having gone to seminary, pastor experience in a large church, and etc. So, I casually asked Jarrod in this group setting of 6 people "do they have to be a Christian?" Naturally he said yes, and so I asked him what a Christian was to his committee, since a lot of people simply claim to be Christians. He did a great job answering my question by saying that they need to have "Jesus Christ as their Savior." I also asked "what about grace through faith alone?" He said this was also a mandatory. He mentioned a few other great points of doctrine that maybe God will cause to be the seed for a few of the members in our group.

As we were having this great discussion, our teacher came over and said, "So I guess as a Unitarian, I needn't bother even applying." This one statement helped me a ton in my understanding of where my teacher is at since I ran into a Unitarian a couple of semesters ago. Maybe this will turn into some kind of witnessing op to my teacher. After we had finished discussing this in our small group our teacher asked if there were any groups that wanted to present to the whole class. . . desiring to have God's name some how be proclaimed, I quickly raised my hand and gave the floor to Jarrod. We had some great conversations as a class, and I was so thankful that God allowed his name to be shared.

To put some whip cream and a cherry on this wonderful day, I walked out with Jarrod and let him know that I was also a Christian. I had a chance to talk with him for an hour about ministry. I also had a chance to pray for him. By the end of the conversation, I went to shake his hand, and he used the good old Tommy Boy line, "Brothers don't shake hands, brothers got to hug." So, again, God encouraged me with yet another fellowship conversation yesterday. Just so you all know, this doesn't normally happen so frequently that I share with 3 people and a class all in one day. Yet, our God is so big and his name is so great, I am surprised that I don't take more opportunities to share His name. I pray big prayers, yet I am so often like the Christians who were praying for Peter's release from prison and when it happened they didn't believe it. I wonder why my faith is so small. I guess I must say with the father of the child whom Jesus healed in Mark 9:24, “I believe; help my unbelief!”

"Lord, anything good in life is from You alone. I praise your name for extending your hand of grace upon me yesterday to share with Maria, Brian, Jarrod and our Management class. Lord thank you for these opportunities to share your name, yet I ask that you would give me the faith to believe that my big prayers will be answered through your mighty power. Please let me revel in your ever flowing mercies that are new every morning. Even as I wake up tomorrow to go work at the good old BofA, extend those mercies, and grace me with your presence. Sanctify me for Your glory! Amen."


Well the joy continued in my heart yesterday as I finished my only class at Chandler Gilbert. About 12:30 P.M. I was headed toward my rock climbing class that starts at 1:40 and I was contemplating where I should go to lunch. Through much joy and satisfaction, I was led to In-N-Out Burger. I don't know if it was the Holy Spirit leading me there, or simply my stomach and taste buds, either way, I was extremely thankful.

As I arrived, I opened the heavy In-N-Out door with my strong muscles. . .don't laugh. I had the priviledge of holding the door for a gentleman that was right behind me. He looked like a casual businessman in his late 30's and I quickly deemed him a very nice guy with a cool personality. In line we both had a smile on our faces as we inhaled the intoxicating aroma of the double double that I was about ready to order, and the 3x3 that he was eagerly anticipating as well. This gentleman looked about 6ft 4 with a fairly large build. . . in fact, he probably should have opened the door for me instead. I noticed that he had two books in his hand. I could see that one was a technology magazine, and the other I couldn't see. Anyway, as I finished ordering, I waited for him in hopes that I might be able to have lunch with this guy. However, what corny line would I say this time? Then, as he finished ordering, I discovered the identity of the second book he was holding. . . Dun. Dun. Dun. He was holding the fully illustrated Da Vinci Code. Having read this book over the summer in hopes for such an opportunity to share my faith, I proceeded to ask this guy what he was reading. . . knowing full well that it is a great book filled with heresy and chances to defend the faith. As we made our way to get our drinks, he let me know that it was the Davinci Code, and I said "oh cool, would you want to have lunch together and talk about it?" He said sure, and we made our way to a table. He asked if I had read it, and what I had thought. I let him know that I was a Christian, and thus I read the book to see what the hype was all about, and if there actually was any grounds for doubt in the Christian faith . . . He then went on to tell me that he was reading the book with the same purpose for he was also a believer. Not only was Brian a believer, but he also goes to East Valley Bible Church. Not only does he go to East Valley Bible Church, but he also attended the same class on defending the heresy of the Davinci Code taught by Michael Feather through the EVBC institute. It definitely brought a smile to both of our faces as we realized that we were both believers trying to share the gospel to a stranger at IN-N-OUT BURGER. We went on for the next half hour just fellowshipping and seeing what God was doing in our lives. It is such a small world, and I was so encouraged to see someone else with same passion to love people, and relate to them using a heretical book like the Da Vinci Code. Praise God.

Thursday, February 03, 2005

Inexpressible Joy- VOLUME 1

"Though you have not seen him, you love him, and even though you do not see him now, you believe in him, and are filled with AN INEXPRESSIBLE AND GLORIOUS JOY, for you are receiving the goal of your faith, the salvation of your souls (I Peter 1:8-9)."

I am so grateful that God gives us those amazing days that we are so joyous in him, we can not help but smile unceasingly. . . today was such a day.

Having just gone through a short study on the attributes of God, I thought that it might be an encouraging practice to dwell on one of the attributes of God for a whole day. . .actually, this idea was sparked as a result of an email I had sent to my sister Amy encouraging her to try the same thing. So, as I drove to my 7am class this morning, I was fervently going through a mental list of as many attributes that I could remember. Desperately wondering what attribute to ponder on, I was suddenly overwhelmed by the beauty of God. . . the sunrise, the air, the sky, His own perfect beauty, the cool breeze, and all of God's creation just overtook my thinking and I began to praise Him. Having just arrived at school, I was smiling from ear to ear as I had just spent 15 minutes in my car worshipping God for His beauty. As I was walking to my class I joyfully said "good morning" to one of the college safety personell, and she delightfully responed with a "good morning, how are you doing." I said that I was just blessed and asked her how she was doing. I don't know why God allows me to have such exciting conversations with complete strangers, but Maria and I ended up talking for the next 5 minutes before my class. She was actually a believer, and she was telling me all about how God had used her daughter this last week to be a light to her highschool campus. As she left, she said that she would be praying for me. I was simply overjoyed and amazed that God used a mere comment of "good morning" to allow such a sweet 5 minute fellowship time with a fellow believer. . . Thanks be to God for the "Inexpressible and glorious joy" that comes through a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. May I never lose the wonder of His blood that was shed for me!!

Wednesday, February 02, 2005

Brother Sanctification

This blog really goes out to my sister Kaydee and her boyfriend Kraig, and how they have sharpened me by their God honoring relationship.

I walked out this morning to a very unusual scene in my front yard. My sister Kaydee and my mom had both been balling as they had just come from the airport after dropping off Kraig. He had surprised my sister by flying in from California, where he lives, for her 17th birthday. . . good move by the way Kraig; ) Though at first I was very reluctant to see them dating since they are only seniors in high school, I have seen that they are both becoming more conformed to the likeness of Christ.

However, this whole brother thing is a lot harder than it looks. When they were first starting to date, I think that I discovered more of my weaknesses than I ever thought existed. . . and I wasn't even the one dating. I struggled with what it looked like to be the protective older brother, and the loving older brother at the same time. I thought it was my job to ward off all those smelly things that were trying to pursue my sister, and make sure she waited until she could date Jesus. Then I thought to myself, I hope I'm never interested in a girl that has a brother like me. Anyway, I have been very sanctified in my original thought that there is only one right way to date . . . my way. Yeah, needless to say, I was corrected, and am now learning that not only is there more than one way to date, but for as many people that are on this earth, there is probably that many ways. The only thing that I think I had right was the idea that any relationship should be meant to glorify God and leave the other person with a deeper love for Jesus Christ than had they never met.

Kraig and Kaydee have done this in an amazing way and I am so proud of both of them. . . However Kraig, remember that I still have my guns, machetes, bats, and chain saws. . . Just Joking. . . Kind of. . . Not really.

Finally I believe I completely understand sisters, girls, and relationships. . . Yeah. . . . Maybe not completely understand them, but I have at least learned that surprising a girl on her birthday, praying for her every morning, talking frequently on the phone(like 10x a day. . . Yuck), and loving Jesus first are all definitely good things to build a relationship!!!

Tuesday, February 01, 2005


As I was driving back from the "Total Chrisitianity" class tonight offered through the institute at East Valley Bible Church, I turned on the stereo to hear one of my favorite old school songs. The song that was playing was "Shine" by the Newsboys. To the best of my memory, the lyrics go something like this:

Shine, make em wonder what you got
Make em wish that they were not,
On the outside looking bored.
Shine, let it shine before all men,
Let em see good works and then,
Let em glorify the Lord.

This is my complete hearts desire to live a life that would radically make people wish that they weren't just on the outside looking in, but that they would see the good works and love I have for the Lord, and they would in turn glorify Him.

Today had its ups and downs. I felt tired, yet I still felt the hand of God reminding me to run the race. Having ate at the Taco Bell today at the MU, I think that the Diet Coke and Carne Asada tacos might have woken me up just a little so I was able to skate over to my Rock Climbing class. This class is very interesting in that it is very laid back. We just go to the Phoenix Rock Gym and climb for about an hour and then we are done. . . I know, school can be rough sometimes. . . its a hard job, but someone has to do it. Anyway, not desiring to climb the walls and fall to our death, we are required to have a partner when we climb. For the last few climbs, my partner has been Mike. Making small talk, he asked me how my weekend was, and what I had done. To my surprise, I could not think of a thing to say. So, after racking my brain, the one thing I remembered doing was going to Pan De Vida, a Spanish church in Chandler. I told him that I'm really trying to learn Spanish. In reply, I asked him about his weekend. Mike told me about his weekend and I definitely knew that I was in the presence of a non-believer. However, I was so encouraged that this Mike was open about his life, and I pray that God will allow me to really show him the love of Christ through our friendship.

I have so many thoughts about the gospel, missions, and sanctification right now, but I will leave you with this thought that I was just convicted by tonight through a conversation with Tyler Johnson. He told me that rather than seeking to be a salesman of the gospel, Christians should desire to love on people. . . This exuberance of love will open doors for the gospel, and not vic versa. I am convicted, for I think that my mentality is very often, "I want to develop a relationship so I can share the gospel" rather than just wanting to love on people. May God allow me the grace to not be a Christian salesman, but a lover of people.