Thursday, February 15, 2007

Where Will God Take Me?

Current update:
These last few months have been very busy let me say! I have been learning what dating looks like, visiting Sari’s parents in Iowa, discipling jr high boys, mentoring some friends, working on my senior project for the training center, preaching for an institute class, reading a few books, changing positions at Bank of America, pursuing ministry, and trying to put God first through all of it as he sanctifies me along the way!

One of the more recent life changes is that I stepped down from my position as Assistant Manager at B of A in order to pursue more full time or part time ministry position. Through it all, I saw that God has been completely directing my steps! Soon after I stepped down from the bank to a 20 hour position, I called Justin Marshal (Jr. High pastor at East Valley Bible Church) and then Bill Pinalto (High School Pastor at Camelback Bible Church) and let them both know more of my heart for serving God through full-time ministry. Justin affirmed my desire since he has seen me serve at EVBC for the last 5 years on jr. high staff. Bill was also very affirming of my gifting since he has been in the Training Center the last 3 years with me, and he even had me speak for his Junior High Winter Camp last year.

After I talked with Bill, he let me know that last year he had asked the elders for a budget increase so he could take on a jr. high pastor intern, AND, that he had been thinking about me for the position. I have definitely been dreaming of the possibilities and am praying that God would open the doors for me to go to CBC if that would be his will. There are so many doors that need to open, but I know that God will direct my steps and open any doors that he desires.

If I were to go to CBC, it would mean I would leave EVBC, a church family that I LOVE. Yet I desire to further God’s kingdom with the gospel, and I really believe God would expand my ministry if I go to Camelback. Please pray that God would direct my steps.

An update so far with CBC:
1. Bill presented the proposition of bringing me on student ministries staff to the CBC elders.

2. The elders want to pray more, but agreed that I should go to their high school winter camp this weekend so as to meet and interact with the Senior Pastor Tim Savage, who will be speaking.

3. Bill invited Sari and me to be staff leaders for the high school retreat this weekend (Thursday till Monday in Telluride Colorado where we will snowboard a few days).

4. Sari and I went to the staff meeting Monday night and are really excited about going to the camp.

5. The elders at CBC will meet again in a couple weeks after the retreat to possibly make a decision.

Please pray for:
1. The 85 students going to the retreat this weekend, that God would save many of them (half are friends that don’t go to CBC, but are going for the snowboarding).

2. God to use Sari and me in huge ways for the gospel, and for us to show true love to the students.

3. Great conversations with Tim and the other lay staff, and that God would give me immeasurable peace about wherever He will lead me.