Thursday, July 27, 2006

Reasons I miss living with the folks

Well, this blog goes out to my amazing family . . . though I’m out living at my own place having a great time, there are still so many things I miss about not living with my fam. Here are a few:

1. The amazing food all the time

2. The candy drawer

3. The late night conversations when I tell my mom if there is a certain girl I’m interested in at the time

4.The fridge always full of FREE sodas

5. The fresh baked items all the time (chocolate chip cookies, brownies, banana bread, chocolate chip muffins, rice crispy treats, etc.)

6. Coming home and having one of my sisters quickly ask, “what can I get you for dinner (for FREE)?”

7. Family dinners where my mom asks such great questions like: what’s God doing in your heart, what’s been the best part of your week, what’s been your favorite vacation, how’s life, and many more

8. Back massages if I’m really sore

9. Seeing my parents steadfast consistency in the ways my dad disciples men and my mom disciples women

10. Emptying my trash into the bigger hall trash can and getting a reaction from my sister Kaydee

11. Taking a shower in my sister’s bathroom and rearranging their very orderly towels

12. Getting my sister Kristi to give some kind of sigh of disgust as I make a bathroom joke or something

13. Living next door to my Bapa and Nanny

14. Going over to my Nanny’s house and being quickly offered: waffles, French toast, hashbrowns, bacon, toast, and every other type of delicious breakfast food item I can think of

15. The pool and hot tub

16. Chasing the dog when he gets in one of those really super hyper moods

17. Getting into theological conversations with my dad

18. My padded toilet seat which I shall go and steal any day now

19. Having my brother Barry as a personal technician for any tech question or
problem I can’t solve on my own

20. Telling my mom about my day at the good ol’ B of A

21. Did I mention FREE food?

22. Seeing the whole family just hang out together

23. Much, much more!