Sunday, December 25, 2005

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

This is a post that can only happen but once a year. SO, MERRY CHRISTMAS! Since it is basically like a year end event, I just want to say that I'm so thankful for this past year. There has been so many blessings in the last 12 months; but of all the gifts in the world, I am most thankful for Jesus! I am so grateful that He came to save me from my sin and bring me a joy that is different than anything the world has to offer. Praise His name! For some reason, I am reminded yet again of the title of my blog. . . "the sanctifying pursuit of God." This short phrase really describes much of my life. I am in a pursuit of God; yet, I have not attained the prize nor perfection. Therefore, I guess one of my new year's resolutions is to pursue God this year more than any other thing. I desire that all else be as rubbish except for the surpassing joy of knowing Christ and making him known. I want to pursue Christ this next year more passionately and boldly than I ever have before . . . I know that this is possible because he first pursued me. AMEN! Thank you Lord Jesus and please return soon!

Friday, December 02, 2005


I am learning more and more that the only thing that will ever bring true joy is a personal relationship with Christ. In the past I have often had the “I’ll be happy when” syndrome and I am continually being reminded that I will never be satisfied until I find my satisfaction in Christ. Like the quote says, “You have made us for yourself and our hearts are restless till we rest in thee,” I have become clearly aware that this is true. I often thought that perfect bliss would come when I finished college. Well, that came and went with little payoff. Then I figured I would be happy when I got my full time job . . . life is just the same except with more responsibility, a little more $$, but much more stress. I had also thought that life would be just perfect once I bought my own home . . . well it’s in the process of being built and I know that a home in not the end all. The one thing now that I’ve been reminding myself is that life won’t be perfect once God blesses me with the future girl for me. I am therefore once again left on the sanctifying road of ups and downs, trials and joys; however, I know that joy is only found in a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. I am content in the fact that I am His child, he loves me, and he is in complete control of my life. I won’t be “happy when,” I will be joyful now. I will choose joy for I choose to follow Christ. To Him be the glory forever and ever Amen.