Thursday, June 29, 2006

Things I’ve Learned in the Last Few Weeks

1. God is continually faithful

This first life lesson is one that I continually see, but was most prevalent as I saw Him answer so many prayers in regards to the recent EVBC student ministry summer camp. At least a couple of the 16 guys in my group professed to a new relationship with Jesus, and I can’t wait to see how God will be faithful in their growth process. I always say it, but camp just keeps getting better and better, because God continues to remain faithful to do exceedingly more than I could ever ask or think!

2. Air “soft” guns are not exactly soft, and they do make dents in the walls

I guess I should have known that if little pellets fly towards me at 240+ feet per second they would probably hurt a little. Yet, that didn’t stop my brothers and me from buying them in order to shoot each other. Actually on the drive home from the sports store a few weeks ago, my brother actually shot my in the leg from a foot away . . . yikes, that hurt a little! Well, we also found that they can dent the wall . . . come look next to my front doorway some time: )

3. I am quick to anger when shot with an air soft gun at short range

Another thing about air soft is that it really brings out my true character. Actually the other day I was hanging with my junior high guys and my brothers came rushing into the house with their new air soft machine guns they had bought. I just so happened to be holding my little pistol, and with the adrenaline going, I shot my little brother . . . let me just say that this was a stupid mistake! Both brothers opened fire at me with their new fully automatic guns and shot me from 5 feet away. In anger and extreme pain I rolled on the ground and yelled at the top of my lungs, “YOU JERKS!!!!!” What else was I to say? Either way, I confess my stupid anger at that moment, and I’ve learned to not open fire with a small pistol against two guys with machine guns!

4. Possessions don’t satisfy, God does

This has been a fun lesson as my brother and I have just recently moved into our new house. Though every little part of moving has been so much fun, it reminds me yet again that possessions will never satisfy, only God does! Though possessions don’t satisfy, when used for God and to build relationships, God really blesses them. In fact, I have had so much fun the last couple weeks just having friends and family come over and hang out.

5. Junior high ministry is a joy; yet, it is also a “follow me as I follow Christ” kind of ministry

I woke up today eagerly waiting for tonight when I would have the chance to disciple my junior guys. Though d-group is always great, I was reminded tonight that junior high ministry is really a ministry that I have to be the example for the guys to follow and that I have to be extremely patient with them. I sometimes expect them to act like college students and I’m so quick to forget that when I was in junior high some of the few things I cared about were sports and Nintendo 64. I pray that God would help me meet these guys where they are at and that God will use me in spite of me.

6. Pride is so easy to come by

Yesterday I was shocked at how I sang my praises before some of my good friends. I guess I thought that since we are so close that I could just tell them about some of the success I’ve had at work. After sharing for a few moments, I was subtly reminded by one of them to “give the glory to God.” I guess I am so quick to congratulate myself and not the God who holds the world together. “Oh God, help me to be more like you!”

7. Contentment is really just complete trust in God

I thank God for the contentment and joy that only he can bring! I guess I have found that contentment is such a joy to have and I have been continually learning to be more content with every circumstance God has given me. Besides, contentment is merely the trust in God’s sovereignty as the ruler of ones life.

Much love to all and make Christ the center of this day!