Sunday, March 19, 2006

The Best Day of My Life

Well about two weeks ago, I had about the best day of my life. Let me set the table here:

I had just finished work on a Wednesday afternoon, and I had the opportunity of taking one of my jr high guys out to dinner. On the way, I got a text message from another one of my guys (Andrew) saying that he was going to bring a friend to d-group that night. "Cool" I responded, and continued to drive Jed to IN-N-OUT. So, Jed and I finished scarfing down some great burgers and fries, and we rushed over to church. It was there that Andrew introduced me to his friend Kayden.

We proceeded to d-group and started off by playing a game of basketball in our small room . . . we played with a waddled up piece of paper as our ball, and two trash cans as our basket. My team won of course, but I think everyone had fun. We then did some normal d-group stuff and we even wrote a letter to Nathan Wilburn (a guy in our group whose house burned down the week before).

After writing some encouraging letters to Nathan, I started asking the guys how their weeks had gone and in what areas God had grown them that week. Suddenly, the conversation quickly came to the gospel, and I spent the final 30 minutes walking the guys through the gospel and what it really meant to be a Christian. We spent a lot of time dealing with sin, repentance, the cross, the resurrection, and true discipleship. When I was praying at the end I asked God to cause the guys who weren't sure of their salvation to talk to someone afterwards. To God's amazing glory, Kayden came up to me afterwards and said, "Brent, can I talk to you for a minute? When you were talking about what it meant to be a Christian, I realized that I really wasn't a Christian. I've been a fake Christian, I've been the person that just wanted fire-insurance, but I want to be a Christian." I was overjoyed and extremely amazed. I couldn't believe that God would allow me this incredible opportunity. I sat down with him, and the two guys he knew from the group, and I asked him about his own sin. He realized his need for Jesus, and wanted to give his life to Jesus. Before I proceeded to having him share his heart with God, I walked him through the idea of Luke 14 and true discipleship and what it means to give everything up for Christ. I asked him if he was ready to count the cost; he said yes.

I then told him that it is a simple thing . . . "just confess your heart to God, and tell him that you need him in your life, you repent of your sin, and you desire to live for Jesus."

This had to have been the absolute best day of my life. I remembered what life is all about, and that we are here on earth to share the gospel. Not only was Kayden's salvation a huge joy, but I was overjoyed by Andrew and his desire to be a light to his unbelieving friend. I love Jesus and I love student ministries! I think I love it so much because I have a chance week after week to share the gospel and live the gospel.

Also, my guys hold me to a very high level of accountability. They don't even know it all the time, but they spur my relationship with Jesus in astronomical ways. One week I told my guys that I had gotten up early, ran, prayed, and then studied the Word and how much joy that brought. The next week when I hadn't woken up to run, Jed asked me why not. . . so, tomorrow marks the 4th day of waking up early to run, pray, and read before I head off to work. I thank the Lord for those guys. I praise Him for salvation, His Word, and for fellowship. I praise him also for extreme joy . . . the joy that comes from living for Jesus moment by moment . . . in word and deed.

"Thank you Father for the salvation of Kayden. I ask that You would grow him in extreme ways. Please help him to be faithful to come to d-group and use Andrew and Mason to help him know You more. I love you dear God and I want to know you more. Help me live with extreme joy as I boldly live to make You known! For Christ and in his name, Amen."

Monday, March 06, 2006


This last Sunday was a very cool day for me. One of my very good friends, Josh Kellso, had the opportunity to preach at East Valley Bible Church Tempe, so I decided to go and sit in the front row to cheer him on; and, he did an awesome job. The reason why it was great was not simply because he is a fantastic speaker with an amazing heart for God, but because I left being confronted by Scripture, my insufficiency, and my need to be renewed in the Word of God. As soon as I knew that he was going to speak on Romans 12:1-2 I shamefully thought, “oh, nothing new here, I’ve heard this message at least a dozen times . . . I’ve even preached this message to my junior high ministry once . . . nope, I just want to sit and wave the flag for my friend.” Wow was I ever wrong. God’s Word hit me between the eyes as I sat listening to my friend preach, I was left feeling the desperate need to “renew” my mind through scripture. So, did I leave the service and go do that? NOPE, but I went off to my service at EVBC Gilbert and was able to catch the last half hour of worship music . . . after that did I renew my mind? NOPE, I went off to hang with some friends and eat dinner . . . wait, after that did I renew my mind? NOPE, I drove home . . . how bout after that, did I renew my mind? NOPE AGAIN! I had an opportunity, but I told myself instead of searching the Scriptures to renew my mind I would just try to pray and meditate as I laid on my bed . . . did it happen? NOPE, I fell asleep waking up to find that good intentions don’t equal good results. After that did I renew my mind? NOPE, I woke up an hour earlier than I normally do, but I still didn’t renew my mind. I ended up dozing off a little longer, taking a longer shower, and just barely getting to work on time . . . after that did I renew my mind? NOPE! I told myself at lunch that I would try to get in the Word, but I was too frazzled by the hectic morning that I couldn’t concentrate. So after that did I renew my mind? NOPE, I came home and checked my email. WOW, what a wretched man that I am, who will rescue me from this body of death? Praise be to God! FINALLY, having completely felt empty by my meaningless pursuits, I finally read my two chapters in the Bible to catch up for my daily reading plan. Was I renewed? NOPE. I had prayed, I had read, but I had not communed with God or renewed my mind. Why is renewing one’s mind so difficult? I have so many distractions. Still feeling that lacking of joy, I remembered that my sister Amy had blogged about such a topic a few weeks ago. I went to her blog to re-read her great post called “The dangerous duty of delight.” Leaving encouraged, I reminded myself of scripture that I have memorized before and saught to rekindle my love for Jesus. I read Psalm 1 twice, Psalm 42 once, quoted Psalm 119 with a few helps, and read my favorite chapter in the Bible Psalm 103 twice. FINALLY, I feel renewed by Scripture.

I think it was the heart of David that re-captivated my mind and renewed it with truth.

A few verses that were super-encouraging to me tonight are:

Psalm 1:1-2 “Blessed is the man . . . [whose] delight is in the law of the Lord, and on his law he meditates day and night.”

Psalm 42:11 “Why are you cast down, O my soul, and why are you in turmoil within me? Hope in God; for I shall again praise him, my salvation and my God.”

Psalm 103:11 “For as high as the heavens are above the earth, so great is his steadfast love toward those who fear him . . .”

Psalm 119: 74 “Those who fear you shall see me and rejoice, because I have hoped in your word.”

Romans 12:2 “. . . be transformed by the renewing of your mind.”

Colossians 1:6-7 “So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live in him, rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness.”

Wow, what a glorious Word we have to be daily renewed by; I pray that this next verse would be my heart: “I will delight in your statutes, I will not forget your word (Psalm 119:16).” Thanks Josh for reminding me to be renewed by Scripture and thanks Amy for reminding me that Joy is only a result of truly valuing Christ . . . I desperately want to be a living sacrifice of worship.