Saturday, February 26, 2005


For the longest time, my impression of Jr. High boys is that they were sweaty, smelly, immature, ignorant, and that they never wore deodorant. In fact, I used to be the mean high schooler that would make fun of this demographic of students. Therefore, never in a million years would I have thought that I would lead a small group of these guys . . . much less be friends with them. However, I was proven wrong in so many ways.
Though they occasionally do forget to put on the deodorant, I have grown to love working with these guys so much. About three years ago, I joined Jr. High Staff at East Valley Bible Church and I believe that these guys have helped me grow more in love with Jesus than a great number of other things; though I am supposed to be the “leader” of the group, I think these guys teach me more than I teach them.
Of course there have been times that I have felt like throwing in the towel, but I am so glad that God has enabled me to stay in this ministry for this time in my life. Each guy that is in my group is special and unique. Some are quiet, some loud, others obnoxious, others on fire for God, others still looking for the answers, but all of them are treasures. I am so blessed by each one of them, and their families.

Through the course of my time on staff, my theme verse has been to say with Paul, “follow me as I follow Christ.” Wow, this is so much easier said than done. Though I try to live my life for Christ in all that I do, having 21 sets of eyes and ears watching me is huge accountability, and a reminder of where I fall short.
These guys ask the best questions, pray the hardest, live with passion, worship with zeal, share with boldness, and confess sin with humility. Of course they are not perfect. . . WOAH. . . they are NOT perfect. . . But I love them all so much anyway.
I am reminded of why the body of Christ needs each other. Though I am still on the younger side of the age scale, hanging with these guys makes me even younger, and they make me desire to have the same kind of passion that they have. Whether they are playing a game of Halo 2, talking back with their parents, skateboarding, or serving the Lord, they are passionate. And, to see a young heart follow after the Lord is one of the greatest blessings and motivators in the entire world.
Just today I had one of my guys call me and tell me what he needed prayer for, and in another conversation today, one of my guys told me what an impact this group has made on his life. Wow, it just gives me chills to be able to be “useful to the master” in this area of service. I don’t know why God allows this frail vessel to be used, but I will just keep saying, “here am I send me,” and we’ll see what happens.
So, to all the guys in my group, to the guys that have been in my group, to the high school leaders that are leading the guys I once had, and to the leaders that have discipled me, thank you so much. You have all made such an impact on my love for the Lord, and I look forward to seeing how God will use each one of you in the future.


Blogger rustypth said...


I wholeheartedly agree! I love junior highers! In fact, while I had a jh dgroup at GCC, I decided that I wanted to work with this age group for the rest of my life, Lw.

They really are a joy aren't they?! How wonderful it is to be used by God to impact younger brothers in the faith. John wrote "I have no greater joy than this, to hear of my children walking in the truth" (2 John 1:12). To this day, when I hear and see my boys (as I still affectionately refer to them) growing in the Lord, I am blessed. As I am sure you are in the same way! I love your passion for your students. How blessed they are to have a leader who cares so much about them.


11:28 PM, February 26, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yo Brent,
Hey I finally am writing back to all of your wonderful writings. This one truly impacted me for many reasons and all I can say is Amen! I can relate to just about each and every one of your comments. It has now been 1 1/2 years since I began as a High School D-Group Leader at EVBC. I must say that it took me a while to feel part of the group, but now God has me there. You are right on the deoderant part (though typically another group member will mention it) but I also feel God has used these guys more to grow my walk with Christ than I feel I have helped them. They are all different in there own way but I can honestly say that I care and love each and every one like they were additions to our family. When vendors at work see my office walls, they have to ask "how many kids do you have?" I simply reply 2 boys, plus 20. I can't thank God enough for the experience I have been allowed through this ministry. You are right that you get pretty worn out at times (today is one for me) hurting when they hurt, praying for them, thinking of how God would want you to lead them, and just the hours spent being with them. But as Tom always says, it is a good pooped and that's what counts. Brent, I have had the pleasure of taking on many of your Jr High Guys and can assure you that your time was well spent and that God used you. well done faithful servant! My prayer is that I will be allowed this awesome opportunity for many years to come as I couldn't even imagine giving this priviledge up for anything. Thanks for your friendship and I am truly glad to get to serve with you. Pretty cool how I finally figured out how to finally respond. Keep up the walk!
Your Brother - Paul

4:00 PM, March 02, 2005  

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