Thursday, February 03, 2005

Inexpressible Joy- VOLUME 1

"Though you have not seen him, you love him, and even though you do not see him now, you believe in him, and are filled with AN INEXPRESSIBLE AND GLORIOUS JOY, for you are receiving the goal of your faith, the salvation of your souls (I Peter 1:8-9)."

I am so grateful that God gives us those amazing days that we are so joyous in him, we can not help but smile unceasingly. . . today was such a day.

Having just gone through a short study on the attributes of God, I thought that it might be an encouraging practice to dwell on one of the attributes of God for a whole day. . .actually, this idea was sparked as a result of an email I had sent to my sister Amy encouraging her to try the same thing. So, as I drove to my 7am class this morning, I was fervently going through a mental list of as many attributes that I could remember. Desperately wondering what attribute to ponder on, I was suddenly overwhelmed by the beauty of God. . . the sunrise, the air, the sky, His own perfect beauty, the cool breeze, and all of God's creation just overtook my thinking and I began to praise Him. Having just arrived at school, I was smiling from ear to ear as I had just spent 15 minutes in my car worshipping God for His beauty. As I was walking to my class I joyfully said "good morning" to one of the college safety personell, and she delightfully responed with a "good morning, how are you doing." I said that I was just blessed and asked her how she was doing. I don't know why God allows me to have such exciting conversations with complete strangers, but Maria and I ended up talking for the next 5 minutes before my class. She was actually a believer, and she was telling me all about how God had used her daughter this last week to be a light to her highschool campus. As she left, she said that she would be praying for me. I was simply overjoyed and amazed that God used a mere comment of "good morning" to allow such a sweet 5 minute fellowship time with a fellow believer. . . Thanks be to God for the "Inexpressible and glorious joy" that comes through a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. May I never lose the wonder of His blood that was shed for me!!


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