Monday, January 31, 2005

A Heart for Sinners

As I was standing in the Pizza Hut line at the MU waiting for my small pepperoni pizza and Diet Coke, God sovereignly orchestrated that I would stand behind two very chatty girls. . . no, they weren't chatting with me, but they were quite loud in their own conversation back and forth to each other. I think that they were completely unaware that people could overhear their every word. So, not wanting to miss out on their very interesting lives, I listened intently trying to discover what I could learn, and how God might open a door for ministry. However, as I listened, my heart was quickly saddened by their pursuit of happiness in this world. I became overly aware of how blessed I am to have a relationship with Jesus Christ, and my heart was so anxious to share the gospel of Jesus with them. It was one of those times that I could have just been really bold and said something like,"I've been overhearing your conversation, and it sounds like you need to hear about how the God of the universe knows what you're going through, and truly has a heart of love and compassion. Do you mind if I share with you the hope that I have?" However, as much as I desperately wanted to share of the hope that I have in Christ, I did not feel that this was an opportunity to share Christ, but rather, an opportunity to pray. So I prayed right then and there, and I truly hope that God awakens their heart to truth.

As I was standing in line for pizza, I realized that it is only when I put myself in the midst of unbelievers that an opportunity to share the gospel can even be possible. I guess I struggle with selfishness or insecurity as to making this happen. For me, it is so much easier to go to the library, find a study room, and lock myself away from the cries of the world. It is so much easier to eat by myself quickly and then hurry off to the next thing. It is so much easier to avoid the hurting, handicapped, and sinners. And, it is so much easier to forsake the sinners in a prideful desire to be "above reproach." If this is the definition of "above reproach," I have forgotten that Christ ate with the tax collectors, sinners, and prostitutes. I don't desire the easy life, but a life that resembles a compassionate, loving heart for the lost. I have the light of Christ that must not be hidden under a bushel. I am reminded of an old Sunday school song I used to sing. . .

This little light of mine, I'm gonna let it shine
This little light of mine, I'm gonna let it shine
This little light of mine, I'm gonna let it shine

"Lord, make my light shine for You. I don't want to just live a comfortable life anymore. I want to make a difference for your name. Convict my apathetic heart for the lost, and let me share the joy that I find in you. . . the joy that is available to all who repent of their sin, and turn to You. Also Lord, I pray that those two girls in the MU will discover that true love only comes from You. You created us to be worshippers of you and our hearts will truly be restless until they find their rest in you. Please awaken the hearts of those girls, and let them find their peace in you. Bring a faithful believer into their lives that your gospel may be shared. Open their eyes, and bring joy into their world that is so desperately lost. In Christ's name, amen."


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