Friday, February 04, 2005


Well the joy continued in my heart yesterday as I finished my only class at Chandler Gilbert. About 12:30 P.M. I was headed toward my rock climbing class that starts at 1:40 and I was contemplating where I should go to lunch. Through much joy and satisfaction, I was led to In-N-Out Burger. I don't know if it was the Holy Spirit leading me there, or simply my stomach and taste buds, either way, I was extremely thankful.

As I arrived, I opened the heavy In-N-Out door with my strong muscles. . .don't laugh. I had the priviledge of holding the door for a gentleman that was right behind me. He looked like a casual businessman in his late 30's and I quickly deemed him a very nice guy with a cool personality. In line we both had a smile on our faces as we inhaled the intoxicating aroma of the double double that I was about ready to order, and the 3x3 that he was eagerly anticipating as well. This gentleman looked about 6ft 4 with a fairly large build. . . in fact, he probably should have opened the door for me instead. I noticed that he had two books in his hand. I could see that one was a technology magazine, and the other I couldn't see. Anyway, as I finished ordering, I waited for him in hopes that I might be able to have lunch with this guy. However, what corny line would I say this time? Then, as he finished ordering, I discovered the identity of the second book he was holding. . . Dun. Dun. Dun. He was holding the fully illustrated Da Vinci Code. Having read this book over the summer in hopes for such an opportunity to share my faith, I proceeded to ask this guy what he was reading. . . knowing full well that it is a great book filled with heresy and chances to defend the faith. As we made our way to get our drinks, he let me know that it was the Davinci Code, and I said "oh cool, would you want to have lunch together and talk about it?" He said sure, and we made our way to a table. He asked if I had read it, and what I had thought. I let him know that I was a Christian, and thus I read the book to see what the hype was all about, and if there actually was any grounds for doubt in the Christian faith . . . He then went on to tell me that he was reading the book with the same purpose for he was also a believer. Not only was Brian a believer, but he also goes to East Valley Bible Church. Not only does he go to East Valley Bible Church, but he also attended the same class on defending the heresy of the Davinci Code taught by Michael Feather through the EVBC institute. It definitely brought a smile to both of our faces as we realized that we were both believers trying to share the gospel to a stranger at IN-N-OUT BURGER. We went on for the next half hour just fellowshipping and seeing what God was doing in our lives. It is such a small world, and I was so encouraged to see someone else with same passion to love people, and relate to them using a heretical book like the Da Vinci Code. Praise God.


Blogger rustypth said...

Wow. Praise God that both of you were willing to preach the gospel so boldly and without fear. The DVC will only increase in popularity once the movie comes out in theaters. I'm glad you have taken the time to prepare a reasonable defense of the faith in response to the DVC heresies and outright lies. I'm encouraged that other brothers heed Peter's charge to always be ready to give an answer for the reason of the hope that you have.

10:21 PM, February 05, 2005  

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