Friday, July 08, 2005


Well this morning I was running a bit late in getting to the days activities. In an attempt to make up for the lost time, my host mom made me a cup of coffee with milk and Jorge and I just skipped on breakfast.

A little background first: The second day that I was here in Hermosillo, the missionary here (Greg) told me not to really worry about speed and to just focus on not getting hit by other cars as they drive very crazily. I specifically asked if the police gave out many tickets for speeding and he said they do give out some, but if you get them they are only about $20, and that I should just stay with the flow of traffic.

That being said, I’ll regress back to this hurried morning where I had just skipped my breakfast in order to make up some lost time. Another way I decided I would make up for lost time would be to drive a little faster than normal. So, I kind of decided to drive the speed limit . . . only I would drive miles per hour instead of kilometers per hour. For all of you who aren’t very math smart, a Kilometer is almost half the distance of a mile. So, with the pedal to the medal, I suddenly started hearing a noise. Then, I looked behind me and what did I see? Yep, a little police car with his lights a blazing! I thought he might let me off since I am simply a white guy far from home that really doesn’t comprende mucho. NOPE! However, he was a very nice officer, and he just gave me a speeding ticket. Since my car isn’t registered here in Hermosillo, I actually wouldn’t have even needed to pay the $20 ticket, but I thought why not? So, I proudly now have a great story and I have been much more careful.

I thank the Lord that he uses many new ways to keep me humble!

Love in Christ,

Speedy Brencito


Blogger Mike said...

Brentmeister, Well, apparently there IS a speed limit in Mexico and you have found it!

We miss you back home here! Drive in moderation. We want you back!
Mike Paasch

9:55 PM, July 11, 2005  
Blogger Brent Klontz said...

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8:08 PM, July 13, 2005  

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