Saturday, June 25, 2005

1st Update From Mexico

Hola friends and family,

I wanted you all to know that I am doing great in Mexico!! Just yesterday I arrived in Hermosillo Mexico after an amazing time in Caborca. The people that I’m staying with for the next week are just incredible (Fabian, Secorro, Abraham 18 yrs, David 17 yrs). They are one of the most hospitable families that I know; and though they don’t speak any English, they have been communicating with extreme love. It has been so much fun to try and use the little amount of Spanish that I know. However, at times I feel like a little baby since I can’t understand hardly anything at times. Last night I had the pleasure of going to the youth group in the church called Maranatha with Hannah and Amy Paasch (they will be staying here for the next 9 days). It was so amazing to see Christians from another culture loving God, studying the Word, praising Him, and just hanging out . . . all the while doing this in a language that is completely foreign to me. Here are a few things that I would love prayer for the next couple of days:

1. I am starting to feel a little sick (I think it is just a soar throat). Please pray that I would start feeling 100% again.

2. Pray that I would be able to familiarize myself with the city very quickly. One quick note about my city map . . . because without it I am lost . . . it has become very precious to me, and it is a reminder to me that the Bible should be as precious to me since it is God’s map of how I should live my life. Wow, God is making me so dependent upon Him!

3. Pray also that I would be able to jump right into the ministry here at the church of Aqua Viva.

Love you all and God bless!!

Brent Klontz

P.S. Here are a few updates that I typed out while I was in Caborca, but was unable to send because I did not have email access.

Dear Precious friends and family,
Though you won’t be receiving this email till later, I am actually writing to you on 6-20-05 right as I just finished an amazing last couple of days of ministry in Caborca Mexico. As you know, I will be spending my first week with the East Valley Bible Church team of 18 students and staff and there are also 5 other college students from Hermosillo Mexico, the city where I will be spending the remainder of my ministry time. I can not even begin to explain the amazing wonders that God is doing so far in Caborca. We still have three more days of ministry in the camps sharing the gospel to indigenous tribal workers, but God has already astounded us with doing increasingly and abundantly beyond what we could ever ask or think. We have already shared the gospel to a few hundred people, attended two Mexican churches, had some amazing times in corporate and personal devotions, seen continual answers to prayer, shared in some amazing fellowship, and much more. Thank you all so much for your prayers.

Let me quickly tell you how God has been answering some of your prayers:

1. People are hearing the gospel and being saved.
2. I haven’t complained about the weather yet, for doing so would demean the very character of God, since he created the warm weather that I am in right now with no air conditioning. I simply praise Him that we have fans, water to drink, and the food is amazing.
3. I’ve been in the Word so far every day as I have been studying Galatians.
4. God is using the whole team to be servants to each other and treat others needs as more important than our own.
5. God is giving me joy through trials so far, and I am definitely falling more in love with Jesus.
6. I’ve had numerous chances to use what little Spanish I know, and I am definitely learning much.
7. We’ve been very safe and no one has gotten seriously ill.
8. Prayer has been very sweet and the Word is richly dwelling so far in my life.
9. Much more!!!

Here are some things that you can pray for:
1. I have already had a little bit of trouble with the whole cultural differences. With my very outgoing personality, please keep me in prayer that I would not step over any cultural barriers or give any signals to the people here that would be offensive or inappropriate.
2. It is very easy to be prideful and selfish on this trip, and I seem to have to constantly check my motivations . . . please pray that all that I do in Mexico would be for the glory of God alone and not myself.
3. I want to continually remember that God has appointed the very boundaries that I would live in for a certain time (Acts 17), and I want to remember that God is sovereign over all . . . He is completely sovereign over each activity that I do while I am here. Shucks, He knows the very number of hairs on my head.
4. Please pray that I would see this life as temporary that I may live it only for Him.

There really is so much that God has been doing so far and I am so excited that He is allowing me another 5 and ½ weeks to continue ministering here for Him. I love you all immensely and definitely covet your prayers. Love in Christ, Brent

Dear Precious friends and family,

Just this morning I had a chance to lead the devotions for our team in Caborca and I basically did an overview of the book of Colossians. I was very encouraged when Paul said in Chapter 1:24, “Now I rejoice in my sufferings . . . “I was humbled because for some reason I like to think that I’m really suffering for Christ over here in Mexico for the sake of the gospel. However the weather, dust, no A.C., and etc, has nothing even in common with the sufferings that Paul had. In II Corinthians 11 Paul talks about himself being beaten 3 times, wipped five times with 40 lashes, stoned once, 3 times being shipwrecked, and on and on. Wow, I have it pretty good, and God is just teaching me so much. Here are a few highlights in the last couple of days:

1. God chose to save at least four guys last night, and there were at least 3 other believers last night that were very encouraged. Please pray for Victor, Raul, Jose, and Matilde who made a profession of faith.)

2. Last night God worked in amazing ways through the weather here. There was a dust storm that happened right after we finished diagnosing all the people in the camps and sharing the gospel to a number of them, but we still had to show the movie, “The Passion.” While we were waiting in the R.V. we invited two men from the camp to stay out of the bad weather and in the vehicle with us. For the next half of an hour, Mike was able to share the gospel with both men and one of the guys named Victor was one of the men that was saved that night. Wow, God is good!!

3. Yesterday we played a game of limbo in our free time, and I was able to keep my title as “The Limbo King.” Yeah, not only are we having fun, but the gospel is being preached, people are being saved, we are being obedient, and God is getting all the glory.

I love you all very much and thanks again for your prayers.

Love in Christ, Brent


Blogger rustypth said...

thanks for the update. I hope you're feeling better. Praise God that He has chosen to save some during your trip.

3:03 PM, June 27, 2005  

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