Thursday, June 16, 2005


Well tomorrow marks the first day of a journey that God has for me for the next 6 weeks of my life. I will be serving the Lord in Mexico from June 17th till July 31st. I wanted to thank all of my friends and family who will be supporting me through prayer while I am gone, and I want you all to know that I will miss you very much. I guess I am a little nervous about being gone for this amount of time, but I guess that this nervousness is outweighed by joyful expectation about what God will do in Mexico both with the peoples of Mexico and in my own heart. I simply desire to be a man that is available for God to do whatever he would have me do, and I really anticipate the opportunity of seeing many lives impacted with the message of the gospel.

Please feel free to contact me through email as I will be able to stop occasionally at some of the internet cafés in Hermosillo. Also, please be in prayer for me. I love you all very much and I eagerly await the opportunity of giving an account for all that God will do.

Love in Christ, Brent Klontz

P.S. Here is a list of all of my prayer requests:

Prayer Requests for Brent Klontz’s Hermosillo Missions trip from June 24th-July 31st

Though these are all personal prayer requests that I pray God would answer, I remember that it is not my will but His to be done . . . thank you for praying for me.

1. That God will help me be able to communicate in Spanish by the end of my trip of 6 weeks.
2. That I will be in the Word everyday in Mexico.
3. That God would empower me to memorize Psalm 119 this summer.
4. That God would give me the ability to learn guitar while I'm in Mexico, and that I will teach drums effectively to the 2 Christian students in Hermosillo.
5. That I would not become weary in doing good.
6. That I will praise God for the extremely hot weather.
7. That the short term teams I will be helping to facilitate will be very effective in sharing the gospel to the locals.
8. That I will be a bold light to the non-Christian Mexican family that I will be staying with for 2 weeks, and to encourage the other 2 Christian families that I’ll be staying with for the remainder of the time.
9. That my presence will be a help and blessing to Agua Viva Church.
10. That I will grow deeply more in love with Jesus.
11. That I will be able to communicate well to my senders and jr. students (email or letters).
12. That this trip will help further my impact to Student Ministries when I return as well as give me more of a passion for sharing my faith.
13. That God would help me be vigilant to set a good example and not allow cultural differences to hinder my witness.
14. That God would bless my locomotion throughout the trip (safety and no accidents).
15. That my personal belongings won’t get stolen.
16. That I would consider it pure joy through any trials I encounter.
17. That God would keep me healthy.
18. That God would bless me with quality fellowship.
19. That my joy would not be circumstantial.
20. That the Word of Christ would richly dwell in me.


Blogger rustypth said...


2:04 PM, June 20, 2005  

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