Saturday, March 19, 2005


The original reason I started this blog was to describe the many ways that God is sanctifying me in the process of living life—and yikes, this last week I got a taste of sanctification. Being that it is spring break from school, I had an opportunity to go to Hermosillo Mexico with Pastor Mike Paasch, Josue Lopez, and their families for 3 days. The trip served a number of purposes, but for me, it was a preface trip to see whether God would open the doors for me to go and be a missionary to Hermosillo for 2 months this summer.

Being in a country that I don’t know much about, don’t speak the language, and don’t know many people was very humbling. As I was desperately trying to learn the language and be a part of the lives of people for this short trip, I found myself extremely inadequate and felt like a baby at times. As I was in “conversations” with people over there, I desperately wanted to be able to communicate more effectively, and I wanted to share my love for them and my love for my Lord. However, it was so difficult, and as my brain was hurting terribly from trying to think of the right words in Spanish to say, I would quickly have to run to God in prayer. Thus, I can see why God is opening up the doors to go this summer . . . it is causing me to depend on Him.

In this process of deciding whether or not God would have me go to Hermosillo, I have been having a conversation with myself:
“Brent, why in the world do you think you should go to Hermosillo this summer?” “What about your junior high guys, friends, and the ministry that you have here?” “Why don’t you just jump into a job after you graduate and start making money instead, that would be much easier?” “There’s non-Christians here in Chandler!” “It’s going to be like a million degrees plus humidity and very little air conditioning there, stay in your nice 3700 square foot house with 75 degree AC and take it easy this summer.”
Having had many of these thoughts and more, and having heard about the ministry that will be in Hermosillo this summer, I have told God that this summer will be my offering to Him. Though it would be easier to stay in AZ this summer, I am so excited that he has given me this opportunity to go and be a witness, to show the Spanish peoples the love of Christ, to help out with a few different churches and organizations, to lead a Spanish team on a evangelistic missions trip to Caborca for a week, and the many other things that He has in store for me.

Though there will be many things that I will not be able to do in the U.S. this summer, I look forward to being stretched, grown, and put out of my comfort zone. For me, I am the type of guy that can easily get into a routine of life without thinking hard about the kingdom of God. I am praying that God will use this trip to radically impact my life and His kingdom.

Please be praying for me in the months to come as I prepare for this trip, and for the time that I will be serving in Hermosillo from June 1st till July 31st. If you would like to be a part of sending me on this missionary trip, I would be extremely joyful. Please email me your name and address to and I will send you information on how you can help send me.

All that I can say is praise be to our God and Father who has saved us and called us into the wonderful light. I want to live only for Him, no matter the cost.

Dear precious Father,
Thank you so much for allowing me the grace to have arms, legs, a mouth, and most importantly, my salvation. You have given these to me that I might make known the glorious riches of your grace. Use me this summer for your glory as I give you my life as an offering of praise. In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.


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