Sunday, March 06, 2005


I don’t even know how to express how amazing this last week of my life has been. Being in the Training Center at East Valley Bible Church, all of the year one students were required to attend the Shepherds Conference at John MacArthur’s church in California. So, this last week, I had the pleasure of having five days of incredible fellowship with men who love the Lord with their whole hearts. Though, I had the opportunity of hearing some great speakers like John MacArthur, R.C. Sproul, Al Mohler, Rick Holland, Dan Dumas, Rob Iverson, and others, I was most encouraged by the fellowship of the T.C. guys, and our own Shepherd and instructor Chris Mueller.

Here are some things that I was most encouraged by:

1. Tom Christie reminded me that ministry is not about a position or title, it is about ministering to others. A program or title can always be taken away, but the ministry and impact that we have on others will never be taken away. For me, I desire to have impact on the lives and hearts of people; though I would love for God to use me in full-time ministry, I now desire just to use my gifts in service to the body of Christ. I don’t need a position to minister to others, I need the heart of Christ.

2. I was incredibly encouraged by Andy Ambosia, and how we are brothers and friends even though there is a big age barrier between us. He is such a man of God, and I am so blessed by his friendship. We had some great late night conversations and even missed the music to one of the seminars because we were in such a great time of mutual accountability, fellowship, and prayer.

3. Michael Ly reminded me that I should strive to have deep fellowship in my life. For me, it is so easy to just go about my busy schedule and neglect hanging with believers outside the church setting. Michael and Tom both reminded me that I should desperately desire to have guys and girls in my life that I hang with on a consistent basis. I’m so thankful for brothers in the faith like Mike Paasch and Isaac Weinhausen for their fellowship and accountability, yet I desire to even take more time to build deeper relationships with my other brothers and sisters in Christ.

4. Chris Mueller showed by example what it looks like to be a good shepherd. As small as it may seem, he bought me and the T.C. guys ice cream. Also, he disciples us, teaches us, and just has a heart of love for us. I desperately desire to be as loving and selfless as he is; I long that I would be this kind of example to the guys that I disciple.

5. MacArthur, Sproul, and Mohler all showed me what humility looks like. Though these guys have so much knowledge and wisdom, they just exhibited the heart of Christ as they humbly preached the Word and exhorted us in love.

6. All of the other T.C. guys were also so encouraging. I learned something from each of them. Truly God is so good to have put such great guys in my life for the next two and a half years as we are all trained and equipped to be pastors, elders, or lay people that use our gifts to serve the body of Christ.

7. Another great part about the Shepherd’s Conference was that all of the 3300 shepherds received a Caravelle by Bulova watch, and 17 free books. . . I’m going to have my reading material for quite sometime.

Well though I could go on for a lot longer, these are just a few of the things that I was encouraged by over the last week. To all the guys that were involved in my sanctification over this last week, THANKS A TON!!!


Blogger rustypth said...

I have a friend who made it to the conference as well. Glad you had a good time. =)

11:03 AM, March 07, 2005  

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