Monday, March 28, 2005


As I sit here in the ASU library, I am reminiscing on the events thus far from my day, and the one word that I can’t get out of my mind is relevance. Specifically, I’ve been thinking about relevance to my culture. As a Christian, there is nothing that I desire more than to be like Christ, but how can I be relevant in this world with conflicting interests? All of my passion is to bring glory to God, and one way of doing this is by being a relevant light amidst this culture of darkness. However, I frequently find out how I fall short in so many ways.

About two hours ago, I ended up going to the MU Burger King, and while I was in line for my double cheeseburger combo, I happened to run into a guy that I know from my rock climbing class. This is a guy that I’ve gotten to know a little bit, and so I ended up having a quick lunch with him before we both had to hurry off to our next class.
He asked me how my weekend went and what I did. So I told him, and then asked him about his life and what was going on with him. I found out that today was actually his 21st birthday and he said that he had gone out at midnight to celebrate. This is where the whole relevance comes in . . . upon hearing of his 21st birthday celebration with his buddies, I couldn’t think of anything to say in response. I was desperately praying and asking for wisdom, but no words came out, and so he finally said. . . “I can tell you don’t approve.” Though I didn’t say anything bad or negative, my absence of words made it appear as though I were super-religious instead. I sometimes find myself wishing that I could just somehow take a pill that would make me think more like Jesus, and would give me the words to say to people in that perfect time. However, I know from II Peter 1:3 that God has given me everything that I need pertaining to life and Godliness. So, I rest in the fact that God is using moments like these to sanctify me more to the likeness of His Son Jesus Christ.
Though I will never be perfect, God will use times like these to make me understand how dependent I am upon Him for every word that comes from my mouth. On my own, there is not a single thing that I could say or action I could do that would profit the kingdom. Yet, by the grace of God, He sent the Holy Spirit to live in my heart and guide my life so that I would be a vessel that would bring Him glory. I am so grateful that God has allowed me to be his child, and the conversation I had today only reminds about how blessed I am to be called a Child of the King.

“Dear Lord,
By your grace, please allow me to live a life that looks set apart, but one that is also relevant. I deeply long to make your name known and to show the world that only in you is joy truly found. I am so comforted by the fact that in my weakness you are strong. So I pray dear Lord that you would make me useful for your service even through my own inadequacies. Make me useful, relevant, and set apart. For your glory alone and in the name of Jesus I pray, Amen.”


Blogger rustypth said...


Let me just encourage you -

First of all, don't be so sure that not saying anything was the wrong thing to do. What could you have said? Surely you shouldn't have approved, and this might not have been a time to reprove an unbeliever for acting like an unbeliever. From the little I know about what happened, it sounds like you did alright.

Secondly, this is exactly what our God predestined to happen - and that is a comforting thought =).

I am always encouraged by your passion to be a faithful witness for Christ. Thanks for the updates brotha.

Case of Base

3:42 PM, March 28, 2005  
Blogger JJ Brenner said...

Brent, if anyone in the world has the gift of evangelism and a heart for the lost its you bro. I am always encouraged by hearing your voice and having convo with you.

WTG on this interesting opportunity!

I agree with case and think you handled it well

1:25 PM, April 06, 2005  

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