Friday, April 08, 2005

SALVATION!!!!!! YEAH!!!!!!!!!

I can not even begin to express the complete joy and excitement I have in the Lord for His complete sovereignty and power as he works in the lives of people. About 5 years ago (my junior year in high school), I met this guy Jon Marten. In high school, I frequently carried my Bible around, and on one of these occasions, Jon asked why I carried it around so much. I had just been reminded of a verse I learned years before, so I said, “well one of the reasons is because the Bible says that God’s Word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path.” I then went on to share about the authority of the Bible, and how as a Christian it gave light for my walk with Christ. Ever since then, Jon and I have been good friends. Though we don’t hang out much, the Lord has allowed us to usually have a good phone conversation about every few months or so.

Through the course of our friendship, I have continually pointed Jon to the truths in the Bible and have prayed fervently for his salvation. He has also continually made me rely on God for answers to really tough questions and situations. . . Thanks bro. Though he doesn’t know it, he has taught me so much about what it means to love a person while being a constant witness. Though there were times where I might have said some things that were a little blunt or to the point about the gospel, he’d always forgive me, and we’d talk again in three months or so. He has also taught me more about evangelism than most people I know. Though he wasn’t the one evangelizing, he made an excellent practice target as I continually shared the gospel with him. I have often thought that I was too focused on always sharing the truth, and that I should have tried more of just letting him see my life that was different; but this last week was such an encouragement as I was able to see the fruit of continual prayer, truth, and reliance on God to be bold not just friendly.

Anyway, about three months ago, I had another one of those conversations with Jon about the gospel, and this time I was probably too unloving. We ended the conversation and I called back about a week later just to apologize for my actions. Those that know me really well know that I am very passionate about whatever I do, thus I can sometimes come off a little too abrupt or just go too speedily into things. . . I let him know that, and he quickly forgave me. We finished our conversation again, and he told me that he would call me back sometime. Thus for the last three months, God had really placed Jon on my heart, and I prayed for him at least weekly. About a month and a half ago, I felt the Holy Spirit beckon me to pray for Him as I was sitting in church, and through tears and joy I prayed boldly for his salvation. I prayed that God would do whatever he needed to in order to get Jon’s attention. That was February 13th when I prayed for Him, and I just got off the phone with Jon last week, and he told me that GOD SAVED HIM about a month and a half ago (about the middle of February). WOW, is God amazing or what!!!

As I asked him what I could pray for him about, he said something close to the following:

“Brent, don’t let people like me get you down. I know I was hard sometimes to deal with and was very discouraging at points, but keep being bold. I always knew that you would tell me the truth, and you have no idea what these conversations every three months have meant to me. Please use me as an example to your junior high guys, and to anyone else that it is so important to boldly share the truth even though it is hard at times.”

WOW!!! I was stunned. Jon had plenty of friends that just hung out and did “fun” things with him, but he made me realize that I was one of the few friends in his life that always shared the truth with Him (his family, and his fiancé Brittany were others, and I’m so glad that God has used them in such a mighty way.)

As I reflect upon this real story I was reminded of the following:

1. You never know what God might use to get someone’s attention . . . it might be something as small as carrying a Bible to school.

2. Though it is hard at times and the results are not always seen, the nicest thing that Christians can do for their friends is share the gospel with them. They have plenty of “friends” to hang out with . . . no one else will really show love to them by telling them what they need to know the most . . . that they are a sinner, and Christ died to save sinners who repent of their sins and follow Him.

3. God doesn’t use ability, thank the Lord, He uses faithfulness. There were times that I just felt so unaware of what I was doing in sharing the truth with Jon, but God did the work not me. He just used me as a planter of the seed . . . He made it grow.

4. God uses many people to save a soul. Though I have shared endlessly the truth with Jon, he wasn’t converted by saying a prayer after I shared with him a brilliant gospel message. He was saved after a number of Christian people told him the truth and lived it. Eventually he saw that he indeed was a sinner that needed God to save him. God brought him to his knees in humility in the quietness as he was all alone. Truly God gets the credit not any person!

5. Prayer is powerful.

“Dear precious Father,
I know that you are the King of kings and Lord of lords. You alone hold the mountains in the palm of your hand, and you alone hold the keys to life and death. I praise your glorious name for saving my friend Jon, and I praise you for allowing me the privilege of sharing the truth with him. We don’t deserve to be saved! We deserve to spend an eternity in the fiery depths of hell in complete agony and torment. We were born in sin, but we thank you for saving us from the grave. You give us life, and you give it to us abundantly. Thank you dear Lord. Also, please allow me to be bold for the truth of your name. Never allow me to hide in the skirts of timidity, but let me live your Word of truth. Help me to hold to my confession and live life like a good soldier. I pray that You would make me be used for the kingdom. For your glory and in the name of Jesus I pray, Amen.”


Blogger rustypth said...

w00t. What amazing news. Praise God!

Brent, you again have encouraged me to passionately proclaim the Gospel to sinners, even some long term.

Thanks for your example bro.

12:06 PM, April 09, 2005  
Blogger JJ Brenner said...

Brent you always encourage me with the ease with which you share the Gospel. If anyone I know has the gift of evangelism, its you dude. Way to use your gifts for the kingdom!

5:42 PM, April 09, 2005  

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