Friday, July 08, 2005

Jail again, Devotionals, my Spanish Family, and Prayer!

Well these last few days have been very exciting for me! On Tuesday the mission team that I’m working with here in Hermosillo received a short term team from Canada of about 18 high school students and staff. It has been a pleasure working with them as we serve and fellowship together. However, hanging with these high school students really makes me miss my jr. high guys back at EVBC a ton, and I am reminded why I love working with students so much.

Yesterday the guys from the Canadian team and I were able to go to the juvenile boys jail again and once again I was really encouraged. When I saw Eduardo again, I was so encouraged because he remembered me and gave me a really nice greeting and smile. Jose Manuel and Herraldo were also there and it was good to see them both again. This time at the jail however didn’t seem to go as smoothly as the last time, and it seemed like the kids were not very attentive. Also, those that were giving their testimonies, playing guitar, and sharing didn’t seem to be as prepared. As I sat there listening to the people from the Canadian team sharing I had to remind myself that in our weakness, God is made strong. He uses the timid, the outgoing, and those that are just insecure. Therefore, as I remembered this, I just confessed the sin of trusting to much in our teams ability rather than in God. Though I want to be excellent in all that I endeavor, I never want to allow excellence to supercede my trust in God’s sovereignty to use the weak to accomplish his purpose! I hope that all makes sense.

Another way that I am able to be used as the Canadians are here is I am responsible for 4 of their devotionals while they are here. Yesterday I spoke on Colossians 3:1 and what it means to “seek the things that are above,” and I think it went great! As I was studying earlier yesterday morning in order to give the devotional, Antonio (my unsaved host dad) ended up asking what I was doing. I told him that I was doing a devotional that night for the team from Canada; however, I didn’t know how to explain what it was that I was speaking on in Spanish, so I just read Colossians 3:1-4 to him in my Spanish Bible. God is so good to give little opportunities for his Word to go out . . . proving once again that in my weakness, God is strong.

One other cool thing about my new family is the slow transition I’ve seen in them in openness for the things of the Lord. When I first got there, we never prayed for meals, so I just bowed my own head and prayed before I ate. Now, by the providence of God, we have been praying for the last couple days before our meals. This whole experience is just a great reminder to me of how blessed I really am to have had my dad and other great men setting such a great example of Godly leadership!

In regards to prayer, please pray that I would be able to rightly divide the Word of God as I give the 3 more devotionals to the Canadian team. On Sunday I will be speaking on Col 3:4, next Wednesday we will split the guys up and I’m going to be talking to the guys about some specific guy things while Shelly (the missionary wife here) will be talking to the girls, and then on Thursday I will be doing a wrap up and how the team can really make a difference as they go home to Canada. Please be praying for these times and specifically pray for the time that I will have with just the guys. I really want God to just cause openness with the group that we may really be encouraged to be men of integrity.

God bless you all! Brent


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