Sunday, April 23, 2006

The Gospel Rocks!

I have just been praising God as I think of how he has privileged me to share the gospel to a few people in the last week and a half (not including the gospel that was shared in my jr. high d-group).

About a week and a half ago, I had a chance to share with an agnostic girl named Veronica. I was just getting my brakes fixed and I had already been talking about the Lord with a girl named Kristin (who came to church this last week); thus the flow of conversation kept going pretty easily. Veronica was raised by a Catholic mom but Agnostic father and she has many unbiblical ideas about theology. Having spent about a half hour asking her a bunch of questions about her beliefs, her oil change was just about finished. However, when she was done, she came back into the waiting area and said she didn’t have to be anywhere for another half-hour. So, I had a chance to ask her more questions and go through the whole gospel. She believes that the purpose to life is happiness . . . I had a chance to talk about Solomon and some of his conclusions he came to in the book of Ecclesiastes . . . the purpose of life is to fear God and keep his commandments.

Next, I ran into an old acquaintance and we decided to get a coffee (though I got a double chocolate chip frap since I don’t like coffee). I reminded him that we were meant to live for so much more than the world’s view of happiness and success. God used me to remind him that God takes away our burdens and puts them on Christ, for only Jesus gives true rest.

Finally, tonight was yet another beautiful moment for the gospel to go forth. When I went swing dancing tonight, I wore one of my Christian shirts that has a certain symbol on it. This girl that I danced with (Natalya) asked me about it, and then pointed out her Celtic Pagan tattoo that looks very similar. I started asking what it meant because I sincerely wanted to know what it was that she believed. She was wearing all black and then told me about her practice of Wicca and her beliefs of unity in the world. Many of the things she believes in come from a worldview that is so dissimilar from a Christian worldview that I really didn’t know exactly what to say. Throughout the whole 20-30 minutes that we were talking though, God allowed me to bring the Truth to light. One thing I said at the end was, “what if you’re wrong?” She was very open to talk about “Religion and Spirituality,” but I was encouraged that she even listened when I brought up sin and a need for a savior, and how Jesus was is the Savior for sin.

I praise God for his goodness and I pray that God would open the eyes of these three people. I pray that God would show them their sin, need for a savior, and that they would confess, repent, and believe, and that they would make Christ their Lord.

Anyway, I’m looking forward to more opportunities. Please pray for me as I will be preaching at Camelback Bible Church for their next Wednesday night youth meeting. I will be speaking on Romans 8 and identification with Christ, not their own image. Pray that God would convict hearts through His Word, and that I would humbly speak with clarity, grace, and truth.


Blogger Heather said...

Swing dancing huh? How was Isaac and Ashley? Isn't he a great D.J.? Anyways Brent that is awesome! I love being able to share the gospel. It is so cool and encouraging to be around others who live in such a way to make the gospel declared. Keep it up sir.

1:01 AM, April 23, 2006  
Blogger JJ Brenner said...

Ahh Brent. I am always encouraged to hear how you are using you gift of evangelism. I love your heart and can't wait to live down the hall from you man!

2:10 PM, April 25, 2006  
Blogger rustypth said...

I praise God for the opportunities our Lord gave to you to proclaim His gospel.


4:05 PM, April 25, 2006  

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